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Pickup & Preview Policies


All pickups are at 8449 South Hwy 27 Burnside, KY 42519


SUNDAY 12pm-6pm
MONDAY 10am-6pm

FRIDAY 10am-6pm

If you wish to preview any items in our auctions you can do so every Friday 10am-6pm.
You will be able to view any items to make sure you are satisfied with the condition before bidding on our online auctions!

Alternate Pickup times

If you are unable to pickup during our regular pickup times, please make sure to contact us at (606) 561-0181 to schedule an alternate time. If contact is made and arrangements are made no later than Monday late fees may not apply.

Late pickup fees

Late pickups will be subject to late fees. The late fees for pickup will be $1 per item per day. This is to help with the costs associated with picking up later including storage, labor and time taken away by our picture takers and processors to get the next sales posted, the greater potential for breakage and lost items costing not only the auction but also our consigners.

****please note we do not wish to charge anyone late fees however the cost associated with picking up later is becoming problematic.